samedi 5 mai 2012

Rainy Days

Hello, I've been kept busy with my children, it has been their Spring break and my little girl has been cutting more teeth, always a bit of a trial. My boys have been great, they are 12 and 10 years old and I'm just so proud of them, they are a real little pair. I feel they are on the edge of childhood ready to dip into adolescence just round the corner, I'm so aware of this time passing by as they get older  and I cherish my time with them so much. So painting has been  in the background of late...but much needed, so when I get a little chance I dip into the colours, this one I will link to Sunday sketches, a little lady smelling flowers in the rain. The wind and wild weather does not bother her, as she makes the most of her day! So to all enjoy your week-end in the rain or sunshine whatever it may be!

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9 commentaires:

Tracey FK a dit…

The teenage years have delights of their own, and I sure don't envy you the teething stage with the youngest.... poor you... I look forward to you getting bcak to your painting and I am sure that once they are back at school you will be delighting us with your work again, and especially when we get to see this one finished...xx

Anonyme a dit…

She looks blissful in the rain, like she is thoroughly enjoying it. Yes, boys about to hop into mini manhood. I remember that time well. Glad you are enjoying your children, childhood is so fleeting. My son turns 26 tomorrow. We are celebrating later today. xox

Christine a dit…

Lovely painting, she looks happy and content. Enjoy your kids, mine are 17 and 20 and talk about time going by so fast!

carol l mckenna a dit…

Wonderful creation ~ yes children are so important and grow so quickly ~ Hard balancing your needs and theirs sometimes ~ Enjoy ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

Heather a dit…

oooh so much detail here! and I love your message...even in the rain we must enjoy our days!
yes, kids keep us BUSY!!!! Hope her teeth are all better soon....

Unknown a dit…

Hi Kat, love this picture...yes teenage years are wonderful and a real pain when the hormones kick in...enjoy every flies by so quick... :)

Molly a dit…

You always have such a great sense of color in establishing the mood of a piece. Thanks for sharing!

Tammie Lee a dit…

such a sweet piece
when i read your words about your love for your children and how you know each moment is precious... well i can feel this love in your painting.

Carolyn Dube a dit…

She is wonderful! Such great layers! I love that the weather does not bother her at all!