jeudi 3 octobre 2013

The little creatures

Hello to all! I've been unwell with some virus going round so have not been very creative lately. This is an old journal piece of a few weeks ago I came upon and decided to share with you. Today is breezy with Autumn settling in but this piece still has a lot of summer in it.
I bid farewell to sultry summer with this one, all the sweet bird songs and bright green leaves, bright sunny evenings and warm scented breezes....
I'm ready to turn to the next chapter of the year as Autumn opens its golden door, wishing you all well!

Linking to Paint Party Friday and Sunday Sketches

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14 commentaires:

sheila 77 a dit…

This is absolutely fabulous, I wish I had painted this. Love all your creatures, birds and animals, and all the little patterns. I especially like the owls and the cat peeking out. Hope you are feeling a lot better.

Netty a dit…

loving your wonderful page Kat, I hope you are feeling better. Happy PPF, Annette x

Ginny a dit…

Kat, I hope you are feeling better. I love this piece with all of its bright colors and happy characters. Just looking at it makes me feel lighter and like I don't have a care in the world. Such a happy piece of art.

Anonyme a dit…

Marvelous creatures stirring and flitting about in your pages...Glad you are on the mend now. xox

Linda Kunsman a dit…

hope you're feeling much better kat. Love your whimsical page and the little one peeking out near the bottom left :) Happy PPF!

Paper rainbow a dit…

Get well soon Kat, I am so glad you posted this piece as I love those little owls! x

Tracey FK a dit…

hope you are feeling better every day and that you get back to being creative again soon... mind you this is really lovely!!!

Victoria a dit…

Hello sweet friend..hope you are feeling all better and sparkling soon! Hugs! Wow..this is a fantastic vision..gorgeous colorful..very magical..full of stories and memories coming to life! So beautiful! Wishing you a beautiful Autumn season!

Anne Manda a dit…

Love this page, so much movement and fun, reminds me of Chagall! <3

Giggles a dit…

Feel better soon dear lady!! I love the action in this piece and the eyes peeking out are so adorable...

Hugs Giggles

sharon a dit…

Get well soon Kat,love this piece especially the little kittie sneaking a look.

janice smith a dit…

Dear, sweet Kat, I am so sorry you've been ill. I hope the worst is behind you and that you'll feel much more chipper and creative this week. Your bright journal page is a fitting farewell to sultry summer indeed. Our first cool front is due to arrive here any time now! xo, janice

Lisabella Russo a dit…

I hope you feel better soon! I love the greens in your piece, green is a color I have been enjoying more lately and it is fabulous in this piece.

JKW a dit…

I love that there is so much to see in your painting. Reminds me of going to a museum. Blessings, Janet PPF