jeudi 19 septembre 2013

Blue Design

Somewhere in the blue
A little simplicity
Whispers can be heard

A few lines, shapes, doodles, a little crayon, pen and water colors. All very simple and such a peaceful process.
Invite blue peace into your lives, little quiet moments, take time to listen, enjoy a clear blue sky and breathe, stretch and smile!

Linking to Paint Party Friday, Sunday Sketches and Art Journal Journey

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23 commentaires:

froebelsternchen a dit…

stunning design! I love it!
Thank you for this great entry for AJJ and Happy PPF !


Netty a dit…

terrific design and am sure I saw a little dog emerging from this picture. Happy PPF, Annette x

Anonyme a dit…

I love this Kat. So relaxed and happy. xox

Barbara B. a dit…

Beautifully! Simplicity has a powerful effect. Oh yes, I love the doodle also very.
LG Barbara a dit…

It is unusual to have patterns in an abstract. I this is unique and very creative

Carolyn Dube a dit…

Love the way this flows around! Happy PPF!

Karla B a dit…

This is magical!

Tammie Lee a dit…

such lovely blues
reminds me of wedgewood blue
a charming piece Kat

Faye a dit…

What an exciting, doodly tangle! I love the colors added to it. They make it so gorgeous.

Paper rainbow a dit…

It is so much fun to let yourself free and doodle freely, this is great Kat. I have always had a love of willowpattern china and this reminds me of the blue and white themes.

sheila 77 a dit…

Another calm and happy picture, thanks for a moment of stillness and contentment in the art world.

JKW a dit…

The puppy looks like he has a bit of stained glass in the portrait. I love it. Blessings, Janet PPF

Debbie a dit…

Beautiful design and poetry. Your painting reminds me of a piece of china.

Giggles a dit…

Beautiful... reminds me of Delft porcelain...great pattern and I too see the emergence of a little dog. I love pieces like this where you can stare and be mesmerized into a meditative state and see all kinds of cool things!! Would be awesome hanging over a bathtub..

Hugs Giggles

Anonyme a dit…

Thank You for Your wise words and very interesting and beautiful painting. I love blue and I like lines very much. This is wonderful work.

I want to see more Your art, so I take You on my side to follow :-)
Happy PPF UUna 56

Jehanne's doodles a dit…

Love this! and the quote too:)

Anne Manda a dit…

Lovely design, love the contrasting lines and colors! <3

SAMARA a dit…

I really love how you have taken your sentiment and combined it with the process of your art. Your art is quite stunning with the different mediums (including the tangling) used throughout. The colors are surprising and wonderful! HPPF!!!

Christine a dit…

interesting, pretty design!

pauline a dit…

Kat, this is SO cool!! it reminded me of Kandinsky as soon as i saw it. Love how you always dare to do something different with your art. xox

janice smith a dit…

Oh, Kat, I see so many lovely things in this beautiful composition. There are several wonderful figures among other things. I love the way this piece invites you to look closer, to spend time, and listen, just as your words suggest we do in life. Breathe, stretch, smile...yes! Have a wonderful, creative week, my friend! xo, janice

Ilona Heimböckel a dit…

Beautiful blue design, I can imagine the meditativeness of the piece. It looks wonderful!
Happy PPF

Jez a dit…

A lovely doodle, full of movement and joy, and lovely colouring, and your text adds so much to the image.