jeudi 14 mars 2013


She danced with the trees
listened and felt their movement
at one with nature.

This piece is a sketch done with pastels, it's loose with its curves and roundness, it's full of female energy, so all ladies out there, honor your cycle, your cyclic nature. Feel the flow of your day, notice the different light that is around you, gaze at the sky and feel nature slowly awakening after Winter's sleep. Trust and be at peace.

Linking to Paint Party Friday and Sunday Sketches

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23 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

I can see that female energy swirling away...Time for spme rebirth eh Kat? xox

Zue a dit…

Packed with energy!

ann @ Whimsyville a dit…

lovely ! movement and impact from color is just great.
Happy PPF !

Linda Kunsman a dit…

beautiful movement and energy! Happy PPF!

Nordljus a dit…

Beautiful movement, and the red is so full of energy. It still feels like deepest winter here, but the light this morning was just amazing. I just had to get off my bicycle and enjoy a few minutes at the river. It's so energizing.

Unknown a dit…

Beautiful words and painting.So feminine and 'flowing'. Thank you so much for sharing. Have a great weekend Kat!

Faye a dit…

Lots of action and beauty in this painting.

Ivy a dit…

Fascinating piece, love the curves and mystery. HPPF!

Mary C. Nasser a dit…

Wonderful lines and rhythm!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

Lorraine a dit…

great textures and colours

Netty a dit…

great energy from your painting.
Happy PPF, Annette x

Christine a dit…

Interesting abstract, makes you think!

Anne Manda a dit…

Beautiful, sensual shapes and colors flowing! <3

Giggles a dit…

I saw the feminine energy as soon as I arrived here!! This is powerful and so well done!!

Hugs Giggles

Debbie a dit…

very cool, love the flow of the lines!

bellefrogworks a dit…

What a wonderful flowing painting. So much to see there - HPPF

Ritu Dua a dit…

Lovely textures and great flowing movement of colors :) a dit…

Love the colours and swirls in your work, It makes me want to dance!!

Lynn Cohen a dit…

Very female! At my age the cycles have completed and what is left is unbridled energy, until I drop I guess! ;-)

Tam Hess a dit…

Such amazing color and movement!

Tracey FK a dit…

the loose curves and swirls are so full of movement and energy and the words reflect it all perfectly... love it all...xx

Unknown a dit…

I like this energetic work!
Have a great week!


Ginny a dit…

Kat, this piece is lovely. Your words are so true. I have found that if I allow myself to relax and go with the flow of things life makes so much more sense. Such a wonderful reminder of what is important.