samedi 9 mars 2013

A Forest Of Love

I can smell the earth
Feel the seasons come and go
A forest of love.

This piece was done with earthy colored pastels, warm colors I love, a little week-end sketch I'm linking to Sunday sketches.

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13 commentaires:

sheila 77 a dit…

Lovely swirls and beautiful terracottas and browns in your lovely patterned forest.

Zue a dit…

I love your choice of colour...a very elegant piece of work!

Victoria a dit…

Beautiful Kat!! Stunning work..I love what you can smell the too! yes..i love the warm color palette you created.....very peaceful and yet energizing too...powerful and gorgeous!

Lynn Cohen a dit…


Anne Manda a dit…

Beautiful swirls and colors, warm feeling! <3

WrightStuff a dit…

I love the warm colours - we need those here, it's cold and snowing!

janice smith a dit…

This is lovely, Kat! All those beautiful swirls make my sing! What a glorious, inspiring time of year this is!

Unknown a dit…

Beautifully done. :)

Anonyme a dit…

Ummm Kat...I am picturing movement underground getting ready to burst forth as I see this. Marvelous. xox

Linda E. Pruitt a dit…

How fun to sketch a heart forest! Love it!

Alexiev a dit…


Best wishes from Buenos Aires...
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Tracey FK a dit…

lovely... great colours...xx

Unknown a dit…

Lovely drawing! It feels like fall!