vendredi 16 août 2013

Amongst Flowers

Happy and so free,
Long grass and many flowers
Smile play and have fun!

This little creature emerged as I doodled and played with pencils. She's playing in the summer sun, smelling the flowers and having lots of fun, I hope you are too!

Linking to Paint Party Friday and Sunday Sketches

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14 commentaires:

Ginny a dit…

I love this Kat. The colors are so happy.

Have you ever noticed that we often write about the same things at the same time? Although our words are very different and our art is too, the theme is often very similiar. I love when things like this happen.

I think play is a powerful way to express ourself. Something that is too often overlooked in our busy world.

Have a wonderful weekend filled with laughter and fun!

Linda Kunsman a dit…

great doodle art Kat!! Just "playing " can be very energizing, n'est-ce pas? Happy PPF!

Faye a dit…

Wonderful motion and colors.

sheila 77 a dit…

Lovely art and beautiful happy and thoughtful sentiments from you, Kat, as always. Yes we're playing in the summer sun and having lots of fun too.

Anonyme a dit…

So sweet Kat. I love your innocent, sweet creature.....xox

sharon a dit…

This is so magical and full of fun and movement. Love it.

Giggles a dit…

Kat I love the whimsy and action in this wonderful little fun!! Good job...I think I see you having fun on the page!! I'm trying to play...mostly with art supplies

Hugs Giggles a dit…

What a wonderful whimsie doodle, I love the colours:) HPPF

Lynn Cohen a dit…

It shows that letting go this way was fun! Drawing is fun!

bellefrogworks a dit…

What a precious work of art. So full of whimsy and imagination - not to mention wonderful color. Well done

denthe a dit…

I love all the colours and movement inthis. What a fun way to find figures ....

Anne Manda a dit…

Lovely creature, light and happy! <3

Ariel a dit…

Your doodled creature is so colorful.
Have a great week.

Julie a dit…

Hi Kat, I love your creature, she does look happy and free!