vendredi 24 mai 2013

Soft Pink

An evening of pink
Birds came out to sing and play
Let your light be soft

Here are more inchie cards all done in soft pink,
I love to feel the color of the day, or even the color of a time or moment in the day.
As the days get longer there is a mellow feel to the evenings, they are pink!

More fun was had making this little batch, here's wishing you all many moments of soft delightful pink!

Linking to Paint Party Friday and Sunday Sketches

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18 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Sweet birds playing Kat, love these.....xox

Mary C. Nasser a dit…

Lovely colors and patterns, Kat!
Your art never disappoints. :)
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

Ginny a dit…

Your designs are always so special. I love the patterns that you have included in your art. Pink is a favorite color of mine in nature. Without thinking about it almost all of the flowers I have planted on my deck are some shade of pink.

Netty a dit…

Loving all the doodles Kat. Happy PPF, Annette x

Linda Kunsman a dit…

such pretty card Kat! Happy PPF!

Paper rainbow a dit…

Your pink shades are delightful, so pretty!

jinxxxygirl a dit…

Hi Kat!

I found your blog thru Corrine's blog and i just wanted to tell you i think your art is lovely. I love all the bright colors! I hope you'll pop over and say hi! Hugs! deb

sharon a dit…

I so love pink and orange together, make me thin of a summer's evening. Lovely work.

denthe a dit…

Your cards are so wonderful. Love the pink!

sheila 77 a dit…

Oh, such delightful little pink inchie cards, I love them all. I might like the first one best.. or the last one.. or the fourth ..
No, can't choose.

Giggles a dit…

You never have to convince me pink is a great color of the day because I've had two homes decorated in different shades of had a corian pink counter top your color pink here. My home now has gypsy pink in the living room and hall way!!

Your inchies are adorable!!

Hugs Giggles

AM Zafaran a dit…

Cute inchies and lovely soft colors!

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA a dit…

I love the softness of your color palette, as well as the batik feel of your designs. Blessings!

Debbie a dit…

beautiful colors and patterns today! love them! i enjoy the colors in the evening too. happy SS!

Cynthia Patterson a dit…

Sweet little cards, and of course love the pink....great job!


Joni Nickrent a dit…

Beautiful, them! PINK PERFECTION!

janice smith a dit…

Oh, it's been too long since my last visit. I have missed your lovely artwork and wonderful words. Your work is filled with love and light, Kat. I often find myself stopping to take a deep cleansing breath when I read your have such a peaceful way of expressing yourself. Blessings to you!

froebelsternchen a dit…

just beautiful Kat!