jeudi 14 juin 2012

Forest Light

It's cool in the forest, the trees are our friends, there are shadows and pools of light, the sun playing through the trees. It's a green world of peace and tranquility. I'm so grateful for those big trees that shade us in the summer, the green light and breezes that caress.

I wish you all a very good week-end, enjoy creating, playing or just the soft breeze on your face.

Linking to Paint Party Friday

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16 commentaires:

Carolyn Dube a dit…

Magnificent! As I read your words I could see it all in your painting! Love the vibrant colors too!

Unknown a dit…

What a magical painting, I just want to keep looking at it!
Happy PPF,

Netty a dit…

Lovely mystical painting. Happy PPF, Annette x

Anne Manda a dit…

Wonderful painting, really evokes the beautiful, mystical and ancient spirit of forest!

Alicia C a dit…

What striking colours! Really made me feel vibrant just looking at it

Julie a dit…

I want to keep looking at this, it is simply beautiful and your words are lovely. I also love the forest and trees. xo

kristin maynes a dit…

Great painting!! The colors remind me of the it! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Nora MacPhail a dit…

There's lots going on in your wonderful magical forest. Those footprints are adorable!

Tracey FK a dit…

That is gorgeous... love all the textures and the flash of lighter colour in there... wonderful painting...xx

carlarey a dit…

So very tranquil...

Giggles a dit…

Gorgeous colors!! Dreamy painting!!

Hugs Giggles

Mary C. Nasser a dit…

Beautiful blues and cool palette!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

Kat Sloma a dit…

Ah... I love the color and lines in this!

Lynn Cohen a dit…

I love color that shouts off the page as this does! Simply beautiful! HPPF!

sandy coleman a dit…

Hi, Kat. Looks like we were on the same "green" page this week. I love the vibrancy of this piece. It is beautiful and has great energy. :-)

JKW a dit…

I love the idea and the picture - the illusions of the dream. Great. Blessings, Janet PPF