vendredi 18 mars 2016

Blooming In the Wind

If you go down to the woods one bright sunny day, the flowers may be blooming and blowing gently in the wind. I hope the light is golden and you catch the scent of the forest, enjoying and lingering in the beauty all around while listening to the sounds of the enchanted woods.

Linking to Art Journal Journey and Paint Party Friday

16 commentaires:

Giggles a dit…

Stunning work and I can see the light trickling in... gorgeous movement and colour!

Hugs Giggles

Anonyme a dit…

Pretty pretty, so windy here and we are getting snow...maybe a foot of snow....oh well, it won't last. Thankfully. I want some blooms as nice as this. xox

Linda Kunsman a dit…

the light is surely shining through this beautiful forest. Happy PPF!

My name is Erika. a dit…

I love your colors. It looks like leaves blowing around in the autumn. Very pretty! Hugs.

Laney a dit…

Love the variations in color and light!

Tracey FK a dit…

those colours are incredible... and such movement... spring on a page!

Valerie-Jael a dit…

Wonderful colours and movement in your art. Thanks for joining us again at AJJ, hugs, Valerie

froebelsternchen a dit…

I adore thes movement in your beautiful painting Kat!Happy weekend! Thank you very much for joining us again at Art Journal Journey!

Laila a dit…

Lovely! I especially like the depth in your piece, it makes me want to dive in and have a good stroll in there.

pearshapedcrafting a dit…

I love how you got the light to shine on those beautiful flowers! Spring is nearly here! Chrisx

Maria Medeiros a dit…

really lovely! Happy PPF!

Faye a dit…

Such beautiful vivid colors. Lovely work that makes me happy.

Cindy Dauer a dit…

So pretty and vibrant!

DVArtist a dit…

This is so pretty. I love the story with it too.

Fran a dit…

Wonderful sunny light. Great color painting.

sheila 77 a dit…

That's great how you have painted the idea of light and warmth.
I can see flowers and creatures and birds in this magical sunlit forest.