vendredi 2 octobre 2015

Tangled Colours

I made it here again with this piece that's all entangled with colour and lines going here, there and everywhere a bit like my mind on some days when I feel all over the place. That's when art and stillness centre and the quiet returns!

Linking to Paint Party Friday and Moo Mania ( theme: favourite colour combinations)

12 commentaires:

Ginny a dit…

Beautiful colors Kat. It is amazing how much peace creating something can bring to us and those we share our work with. Thank you for sharing today.

Anonyme a dit…

Making art centers you in your composition, me too. Your lines are free flowing like idea streams. Lovely. xox

Valerie-Jael a dit…

Beautiful colours and patters, Thanks for joining us at Moo Mania and More, hugs, Valerie

froebelsternchen a dit…
Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.
froebelsternchen a dit…

Oh .. I love the depth on this beautiful piece Kat! And the composition is just PERFECT! Thank you so much for joining us at Moo Mania & More again!
Happy weekend to you!

Unknown a dit…

lovely and vibrant abstract. Thank you for sharing

Tammie Lee a dit…

somehow this looks like music to me

Giggles a dit…

Yep this is definitely my mind too Kat!! Bursting with beautiful colour too...and wonderful creative energy...Feels like this piece is a true ode to Fall and Halloween!!

Hugs Giggles

Rika a dit…

Beautiful piece!

sheila 77 a dit…

This is frenetic, Kat, it has great energy and looks so complex. It runs and jumps and sings.

Paper rainbow a dit…

This does have a musical feel to it. I can see dancing notes.

DVArtist a dit…

Kat I just love your art. It is so fun and playful and that brings joy to the world. My baking yesterday turned out perfectly. So happy for that.
Have a great day