jeudi 20 février 2014

Winter Fairies

Little Winter Fairies bring their warmth inside
they like to dance and play
and have fun every day!

This is a journal piece that's loose and playful.
I have many moments in the day when I sing and play, I love making up daft songs and dancing.
Being silly and having fun always feels so good.

So here's to lots of light and happy moments, colorful days and a little craziness,
sending sparkles your way!

Linking to Paint Party Friday and Sunday Sketches

24 commentaires:

Valerie-Jael a dit…

Beautiful and playful page, full of energy! Valerie

Paper rainbow a dit…

Winter faeries look like they are very joyful creatures, much love Kat! X

Saskia a dit…

Lovely work, it makes me happy!

Smiles, Saskia :)

Anonyme a dit…

A wonderful painting, with powerful colors, full of energy and joy. :-)


Netty a dit…

Love your pretty playful page.
Happy PPF, Annette x

Anonyme a dit…

i am sure your children enjoy your free spirit too.....fairies twinkling and all. xox

denthe a dit…

The joy jumps from this page! Great work :-)

Linda Kunsman a dit…

a really fun and playful page-love it!!

Unknown a dit…

so cute and fun!!!! love these characters!!!! Happy PPF and I wish you a wonderful weekend!!!!

Faye a dit…

Such a lively, colorful piece of wonderful art.

EVA a dit…

Live the colours. Love the fairies. Utterly charming!

Tammie Lee a dit…

this is so charming and adorable. I love looking at it, makes me feel good!

Giggles a dit…

Oh how you ever sound like me when I was raising my daughter..... I wish I had a smart phone back then to record all my silly stories and rhymes made up back in the day!! They'd be such fodder for my art now!! Wonderful job, thanks for sharing of yourself!

Hugs Giggles

Margik a dit…

Fantastic journal piece. Love Little Winter Fairies. Really fun!

sheila 77 a dit…

This made me laugh and want to go and dance and play. The fairy at the top is really rocking. Lovely artwork, Kat.

DVArtist a dit…

I like this very much. Winter fairies dancing to keep warm.

Helen a dit…

What lovely fairies and they are full of life and movement. Happy SS

Lynn Cohen a dit…

These creatures make me smile!!! Happy Sunday.

bellefrogworks a dit…

Oh how sweet and playful. We all need to smile and laugh while we work!

Alex a dit…

Wow Kat, I love your little fairies dancing all over the piece. They seem to be very happy and spread so much joy. The colours also fit wonderfully for such a magical theme!

Annabelle a dit…

Whimsical and full of life and energy. Lovely work!

Annabelle : ) a dit…

your joyous whimsical fairies are LOVED by me! <3

Jeannette a dit…

WOW, i looove your gentley little dancing fairys,they are beautiful,so joy and magicical,i love it to much.

Greetings Jeannette

pintor a dit…

beautiful painting!