samedi 30 mars 2013

Soft Wind

Softly the wind blew
A new season on its way
Outside the birds sing

Here's a little card I made for a special lady I used to teach English to. She's in her nineties now and in a retirement home, she wanted to learn English in her late seventies, we'd meet in a café and we'd have our informal lessons there every Friday mornings for two hours. I loved those mornings together!  When I moved away we kept in touch and have written to each other regularly. She's a lovely gentle soul and still paints and sends me her beautiful watercolor cards.  There are some people you meet in life and they touch you, she is one of those special ones I am so grateful to have met.

Happy Easter to all!

Linking to Sunday sketches and Creative Every Day

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13 commentaires:

froebelsternchen a dit…

this is a wonderful card and you are right..there are some people make the world more speacial just beeing in it!

Happy Easter!

sheila 77 a dit…

What a lovely and different card, I'm sure your friend will love it. That's a rather nice little poem, our birds here are not yet sure whether it is time to sing or not.

Anonyme a dit…

Wonderful card creation and haiku and post ~ some people are so special when come into our life ~ Happy Day to you ^_^

manomij a dit…

What a lovely post, isn't it wonderful having people like that in our lifes. Happy Easter Sunday

Alicia C a dit…

what an incredible story - in her nineties and still active ! did she learn English well? I'm sure she'll love this lovely card

Anne Manda a dit…

Beautiful post and card - you are lucky to know such person - as she is lucky to know you! :)

GalleryJuana a dit…

beautiful story of how you met this person. I so agree how some people are just meant to be in your life.
visiting from sunday sketches.

Unknown a dit…

Lovely story and artwork...perfect for a Happy Easter. :)

sharon a dit…

Love the card and story, these special people in our lives are a real blessing.

Anonyme a dit…

So pretty Kat. I am sure she loved it and how nice to have those close feelings...those are special people. xox

Ginny a dit…

Thank you for introducing us to your friend. It is wonderful when we meet someone who becomes special to us whether we get to see them on a daily basis or just through the internet and mail.

Your words and painting are both lovely. Have a wonderful week, Kat.

Anonyme a dit…

Lovely haiku and beautiful creation ~ love it! ^_^

Thanks for 'visiting' and commenting .

Unknown a dit…

Lovely card and lovely story behind it. Thank you for sharing.