The seasons change and so has this old painting of mine. It was originally a wintery snowy moon lit night seen, and now it has some Autumn warmth added to it. I loved playing with this one and magically changing the scene, a reflection on the magic of the changing seasons.
Linking to Paint Party Friday

Linking to Paint Party Friday

21 commentaires:
A Van Gogh landscape of the imagination, love the hot orange! xox
I also see Vincent in this piece! Love the orange and all the movement.
like changing your day around to sunshine and autumn. LOVE these BEAUTIFUL changes!
Magical piece of art work ~ could be a story book page ~ (A Creative Harbor)
Loving the hot colours and design. Happy PPF, Annette x
That red adds so much warmth to this. Beautiful addition to an already lovely painting. Happy PPF
What a wonderful "red" you used! SO much drama to this piece. Thanks for sharing. Happy PPF!
This is gorgeous and amazing!
I love the palette of complementary colors! The blue and orange hues really make each other vibrate!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art
such a charming piece!
great Autumnal palette...xx
Autumn colors and love the hot orange of it all. Nicely done. Thanks.
Love the orange, very festive!!
Happy ppf!
Hugs Giggles
Love the fairytale mood of this and the huge autumn sun!
The seasons are finally starting to change here- how wonderful that you captured that in your art by changing an old painting! I have a painting I keep looking at and thinking it needs to shift- and after reading this I know for sure it needs to change. Thanks for the inspiration!
this is wonderful!! I LOVE the red aginst the blues and your "home" reminds me of an old charming villa! Happy to be visiting so many artists on my first visit with PPF.
Hi Kat. Thank you for visiting my blog and now I can see your lovely expressive art!
And thank you for your kind words about my art. :)
Amalia oxox
yeah, you've got the atmosphere of autumn. Saludos
Kat, this is a lovely painting!! i love the squiggly lines and the white specks you added. Just beautiful. Happy weekend! xox
Hi Kat,
I love what you did to this painting. The colors and the movement are wonderful. I am really drawn to your house.
I think it is fun to see what happens when you change your work. I used to be scared to do this but now I am becoming braver and your post inspired me to change things even more when I think I should.
Great colours and lots of movement.
I can see a bit of Chagall here :) Lovely image with all those beautiful patterns and bright colour. You might like to share your work Mandarin Orange Monday:)
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