Hello to all, this is another fun and playful piece I enjoyed creating in my journal this week. She's becoming one with nature as she loses herself in the dance. Here's wishing you all a creative and happy week-end, enjoy!
Linking to Paint Party Friday

26 commentaires:
Kat, this one is great!! I can see your style quite clearly in this one. LOVE your twirls everywhere and her dancing position is perfect. Lovely work... xoxo
I love how intense her face is as she becomes one with nature. This is a beautiful piece of art.
Are you sure you are not related to Chagall somewhere, your work has the same luminosity. Lovely piece. xox
Love the motion in this! You are an inspiration!
Wonderful movement and expression, and like the happy colours! Have a great weekend too! Happy PPF!
One with nature and dancing ~ love your art style ~ Wonderful~ thanks, namaste, ^_^
Loving this beautiful piece, full of colour and verve, beautiful movement. Happy PPF, Annette x
I love the movement you've created with the swirls! So playful with all those bright colors! Happy PPF!
Oh so beautiful- I love the way she interacts with the butterflies!
Happy PPF,
This is so stunning and gorgeous, the colors are amazing. I love your style!
Lovely, translucent layers of color!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art
The colors are absolutely gorgeous. 'Love this!
this is quite beautiful Kat!
She looks so peaceful and in motion with the things around her. I'd like to be that way, just for a moment. Love your painting!! Happy PPF!
I love the feel of movement in this painting. very beautiful. Happy PPF
Makes me want to get up and dance around my kitchen! Fun color and movement!!!! HPPF!
Love the colors and sense of movement and freedom :0)
Wow, this is incredibly beautiful. She looks to free and wrapped up in her own thoughts and dreams.
Really very nice. Lots of color and movement and I agree about you being related to Chagall.:) Nice job. Happy PPF!
Wonderful! Love the colour and movement and joy here!
Beautiful flow and movement and colors! Lovely!
great colours and she looks like she is dancing... love the sense of movement...xx
Oops posted on the wrong painting....wonderful movement, beautiful color blending...Happy ppf...
Hugs Giggles
ADORE your playful piece...colors are spectacular along with a gorgeous composition! xo
Wow. This is magical. The movement and spirit you have captured is so lovely.
Magnificent..she speaks to my soul...beautiful...I love her power and beauty and heart and soul!
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