lundi 9 avril 2012

Sunday Sketch

Here's another sketch portraying a little motherly love, a close comforting cuddle, just what we all need!

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7 commentaires:

carol l mckenna a dit…

Lovely creation with such wonderful feelings ~thanks, namaste, ^_^

Zue a dit…

Lovely! Exactly what we all need:)

Currie Silver a dit…

Sweet. Very nice lines!!

Sandy Coleman a dit…

I love the energy and the simplicity of the lines. Lovely.

pauline a dit…

I can so relate to this... love the simple lines & choice of black & white only. Have a great week Kat! xoxo

earthen-magic a dit…

...late visit to your wonderful part of the woods! ~ thankyoU sO much for your sunday sketches share! ~ blessed be!...

Victoria a dit…

So beautiful..and powerful..full of love and tenderness!