dimanche 22 avril 2012

Sunday Sketch

Here's linking this to Sophia's Sunday Sketches with this piece, baby blue. Baby is rocked gently to sleep in parent's arms and little guardian angel is always close by looking after them all. It's a piece full of love and protection. Take care of yourselves and have a lovely Sunday!

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14 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

Love baby blue, beautiful piece... happy SS :)

Unknown a dit…

So dreamy. Love it!

Diane a dit…


Heather a dit…

very sweet. love the all of the texture you have here, as well.
enjoy your sunday

Christine a dit…

oh very sweet!

carol l mckenna a dit…

Wow ~ wonderful creations filled with movement and magic ~thanks, namaste, ^_^

Carolyn Dube a dit…

Fabulous - love the story behind it and the way you have used layers for such sweet characters!

Tammie Lee a dit…

so lovely and wonderful on the background of the paper. A sweet piece.

Joni Nickrent a dit…

LOVE the colors...so beautiful!

Anonyme a dit…

Another Chagall like piece. You must be channeling his visions. xox Corrine

Sabina a dit…

Love the look of the bottom figure. (A blue angel?)

Alicia a dit…

what wonderful dancing whimsical angels!

bellefrogworks a dit…

It is a very beautiful piece - love it!

Melisa a dit…

Aw, that is such a lucky baby! Very cute, too!