samedi 14 avril 2012

Sunday Sketch

Here's a sketch I did then played with on Picassa to have this final effect which I like. The blackness around adds depth and mystery.
Hope you all enjoy your Sunday!

Posted by Picasa

9 commentaires:

earthen-magic a dit…

...i do sO like! ~ thankyoU dear kindred soul! ~ blessed be!...

carol l mckenna a dit…

lovely ~ very mysterious feel to her ~ great sketch! ~thanks, namaste, ^_^

Robin a dit…

So nice....!!I tried to email you but it would not go through..
here is the email:

Thank You so much...its nice to meet the name of your blog...!

Joni Nickrent a dit…

Love the mystery and intrigue! Awesome work on Picassa!

Unknown a dit…

Oh.. I like it...great effect. :)

WrightStuff a dit…

OOh yes there's definitely an air of mystery about it. Just saw a trailer for a fun kids film called Hotel Transylvania. She looks like she might be a guest!

Anonyme a dit…

Reminds me of a fairy peeking from the leaves. xox

Tracey FK a dit…

I am thinking this is sooo cool... love the atmosphere you have achieved with it... love the energy in the lines as well... awesome...xx

pauline a dit…

Kat, i love this sketch! it really does look mysterious... lovely. xoxo